Andor, the next Star Wars series on Disney+ is less than one week away. Taking a new look at the galaxy far, far away, we’re bound to be in for a surprise. However, early reviews suggest the series won’t be playing with too many easter eggs. That does not stop us from looking at 5 Andor Cameos That Make Sense. Especially with the Galactic Empire looming over and being so close to Rogue One: A Star Wars Story.
The first impression of Andor may be putting off the idea of easter eggs and cameos. While Disney+’s The Mandalorian may be sneaking them in everywhere, Andor may not do the same. However, that does not mean we won’t be seeing some well-known characters. Or perhaps some minor ones? The latest live-action series, Obi-Wan Kenobi, made references here and there. However, Andor does not look to use nostalgia or easter eggs to amplify the story. Something some shows could take note of.

Director Orson Krennic
Rogue One: A Star Wars Story introduced us to Director Orson Callan Krennic (Ben Mendelsohn). It would seem he might not fit into the first season of Andor. Given it takes place five years before the Battle of Yavin. Therefore five years before Krennic appears in Rogue One. However, we knew he was active in the Empire before the feature film. Additionally, Krennic was vital to the construction of the Death Star.
Krennic was the director of the Imperial Military Department of Advanced Weapons Research. Given this department belonged to Imperial Intelligence, we may get a reference to him. Therefore, connecting with the Imperial Security Bureau, which will also feature heavily in Andor. Krennic has a rivalry with Grand Moff Wilhuff Tarkin, hoping to win favour from Emperor Palpatine.
Season 2 of Andor will take place closer to Rogue One. Therefore it is more likely that Krennic could appear in the second season rather than the first. The Rebellion isn’t formed in the first season, only coming about 4-3 years before the Battle of Yavin. However, that does not mean we wouldn’t hear conversations about what is happening on Scariff or other Imperial locations. These suggestions won’t matter to the characters currently. However, viewers, it will connect well as one of our 5 ANDOR Cameos.

Senator Bail Organa
Bail Organa cameos in Rogue One: A Star Wars Story. However, Jimmy Smits was not done with the character yet. He would appear in Obi-Wan Kenobi. Now that both Rogue One and Kenobi are set on either side of Andor, It is possible that Organa is one of our 5 ANDOR Cameos. We’ll be watching parts of the Imperial Senate in the upcoming series. Genevieve O’Reilly, who plays Mon Mothma, and Jimmy Smits starred together in Episode 3: Revenge of The Sith. However, might we see them together again?
Organa was a vital asset to the early Rebellion. Being one of the early founders of the Alliance to Restore the Republic. He represented his homeworld of Alderaan in the Galactic Senate during both the Republic and Empire’s reigns. Given we’ll have Mon Mothma in the upcoming series, it is possible Bail will be seen with her. Organa believed that the Rebel Alliance would overthrow the Empire and that democracy would reign over the galaxy again.
Unfortunately, Bail would never see his dream come through. He was a victim of the Empire’s most dreaded weapon. The Death Star was deployed to Alderran, and the super-laser weapon was fired on the defenceless planet. However, Bail was instrumental in bringing Obi-Wan Kenobi back into the fold. He also indirectly brought Luke Skywalker into what would become the Galactic Civil War.

Colonel Wulf Yularen
Wulf Yularen served as a high-ranking officer in the Galactic Republic and The Galactic Empire. Some might remember him as Anakin Skywalker’s Admiral. However, we would later work for the Empire as an intelligence officer. At the end of The Clone Wars, Yularen was considered one of the preeminent naval officers. However, he would be loyal to the Empire. Serving the Imperial Security Bureau in the age of the Empire.
We know the ISB will be present in Star Wars Andor. Therefore Wulf Yularen fits into one of our 5 ANDOR Cameos. Additionally, we know actor Anton Lesser will be playing an ISB Officer. During the trailer for the series, he is seen at the head of a meeting. Its possible Yularen may get a cameo in the upcoming series. For example, he cameo in Star Wars: Rebels working with Grand Admiral Thrawn.
However, Yularen would eventually meet his fate. Many may not know, but he was present in the first Star Wars film, A New Hope. During Tarkin’s meeting of high-ranking officers, Yularen was present on the Death Star. Therefore when the Rebel Alliance and Luke Skywalker destroyed the station, he was killed during the Battle of Yavin.

Jyn Erso
An unexpected cameo might be Jyn Erso (Felicity Jones). Given we know Saw Gerrera (Forrest Whittaker) will be appearing, he could have a young Jyn Erso with him. However, we do know that Saw did abandon her when she was around the age of 16. Andor’s trailers show that Luthen Rael (Stellan Skarsgård) will seek out Gerrera, perhaps trying to recruit him into the early Rebel Alliance.
It’s possible that Saw has already abandoned Jyn at the time of Andor’s first season. However, a small background cameo is still possible. It depends on how the character would feature in the upcoming season. She and Cassian Andor (Diego Luna) can’t meet. However, that does not stop other characters, such as Luthen Rael meeting with Saw Gerrera.
Erso would eventually sacrifice herself, along with Cassian, in the Battle of Scariff. Rouge One’s death was vital in securing the Death Star plans. Therefore allowing the Rebel Alliance to destroy the battle station and save countless worlds eventually.

Agent Alexsandr Kallus
Kallus fits into our 5 ANDOR Cameos. He was also a member of the Imperial Security Bureau, a faction that would show up in Andor. Originally appearing in Star Wars: Rebels animated series, fans have long wanted Kallus to appear in live-action. Many thought the character would feature in Obi-Wan Kenobi. However, that never happened, with the series being light on cameo roles.
Agent Kallus would later turn against the Galactic Empire. However, not before he could deal blows to Grand Admiral Thrawn’s plans to crush the Ghost Crew’s rebel cell. Kallus took up the codename of “Fulcrum”. He would deliver sensitive Imperial information to the Rebel Alliance before being captured by Thrawn and forced to watch as the Grand Admiral crushed part of the Alliance.
However, Kallus would escape and later serve the Rebellion, stationed at Yavin base. He would survive the Galactic Civil War and visit Lira San, the ancient homeworld of the Lasat people. It’s possible Kallus could appear in the upcoming series. He would likely be a lower rank and perhaps not on the front line. While a season one appearance might be doubtful, it’s potentially likely he’ll arrive in the show’s second season.

While we wait hopefully for our 5 ANDOR Cameos, first impressions have arrived. Ahead of Andor’s series premiere on Wednesday, the 21st of September, critics can share their opinions on the first four episodes. However, how has the series faired so far? Well, it looks like it’s under a great amount of praise. Many are highlighting out fresh the series appears to be, compared to other Disney+ Star Wars projects.
Some critics have praised the lack of easter eggs. Does this mean we won’t get cameos in the series? Not really. It is, therefore, possible that some might show up, but currently, that does look unlikely. The Mandalorian has made a point of using cameos to propel the series. However, Andor looks to carve a legacy of standing on its own two feet. Something many productions, not just Star Wars, can learn from.
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