After a bit of waiting, we finally have our first looks at the New Fallout TV Series Set Photos. Could we be seeing New Vegas making its live-action debut? With excitement building for this video game adaptation, we’ve broken down these shots to get a glimpse at what’s ahead!
Thanks to LoneVaultWanderer on Twitter, we have a great look at production photos of a ‘Vault’ set used for the series. The following shots are from a Reddit post. However, they were removed due to copyright. These set photos may be our best look, with a release date unknown before the first official look at the series.

Are We Getting A Mojave Setting?
The first thing that is very apparent is the “32” adorned on the walls of the vault set. This is a huge clue as to where this series may take place. Going by the numbering of vaults, this puts the location somewhere on the west coast of the United States. Vaults like 101 and 76 are around the DC area and numbers lower than the mid-30s are around Vegas. This likely means we’ll see some familiar locations.
As for Vault 32, we’ve never seen this particular underground bunker in the past. We also have not heard any information on it. That is very exciting since it provides a clean slate for the story. Most vaults have a dark purpose other than survival. The series could leverage this setting to make for an engaging tale.

A Huge Fallout 3 Connection
A detail presented in the set photos is a shot of a child’s room, particularly a crib and colourful accents. You’ll recognise this room if you’re a fan of the Bethesda entry, ‘Fallout 3’. It resembles the opening of that game. While not an exact match, it has much of the same design language. Which may hint at a kind of retelling of that story.
In the opening of that game, your father (voiced by Liam Neeson) teaches you to walk. Additionally, how to speak and eventually uses the ‘SPECIAL’ book to assign your skill points. This leads to your character growing up in Vault 101 and eventually choosing to leave into the Wasteland. While the show obviously won’t have game mechanics incorporated that way, we could see a version of these events. Whether or not there are enough episodes to warrant an entire coming-of-age story remains to be seen.

A Brotherhood Of Steel
Certainly, one of the most iconic images of Fallout is the giant suits of Power Armor worn by several factions worldwide. We now know these battle armours will appear in the Amazon-produced series. It seems like on the larger scale of Fallout 4 & Fallout 76. If you look closely at the arm of the suit, you can make out what looks like the Brotherhood logo. That opens up some exciting ideas of how involved the faction might be in the series, including possibly introducing one of the ‘Elders’ such as Maxon from the fourth game.
The Brotherhood of Steel is an interesting addition to the series since they operate in a very grey moral area. It will be interesting to see if these are an outcast group that made up many appearances throughout the games. These Knights are the ones who have left the main group and forged their path. It’s hard to tell if that’s the case from this shot but judging by the standard metal look. These may be the main Knights themselves!

With all of these looks at the new series, we can confidently say it’s staying fairly true to the source material. The team behind it are working hard to connect these threads. It’s going to be a long time until any official looks, we believe, but it’s fun to speculate and excited about what’s to come. For now, these New Fallout TV Series Set Photos are our first glimpse.
Hopefully, some of these predictions will come true, but we’ll have to wait until later in the year for Kilter Films and Amazon to give us a real good look! The Amazon Prime series is currently in development. Currently, Lisa Joy and Jonathan Nolan are the writers. Todd Howard of Bethesda Softworks is serving as an executive producer.
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